This is my third of four posts about the personality colors and how to use them to drive your business to the next level.
This knowledge is important because we are in a relationship business, and if you do not know how to start building relationships with people, you will be lost.
This knowledge is the most important thing you need to understand and implement in order to start building these relationships.
I encourage you to get a brief understanding from my posts, and then continue to gain knowledge in this area by downloading my free e-book, 'Success In 10 Steps'
The more you know about the personalities, the better you will be able to relate to anyone! You will have more success when you are coaching and striving to motivate your team.
The better you continue to relate to your team, the higher retention you will have in your business!
So let's talk about the 'Green' personality.
The first thing to know about a green is that they are self-contained and indirect.
You can learn these qualifiers, by the way, by asking your prospects some questions, and noting how they respond.
Greens are great to have on your team. They are the most organized people on the planet. They are dependable problem solvers.
They are task persistent. They are amazing on follow through, and everything they do is accurate.
If you're meeting a green face to face, you can spot them by some pens in their pocket, the crease in their pants, and maybe their arms will be crossed.
If you can coach a green out of their 'weaknesses', you will have an amazing leader and incredible business builder on your team, and they will stay with you forever.
Success In 10 Steps