Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Law of Vibration


Everything in the Universe vibrates ... nothing rests. “We really do live in
an ocean of motion.” This is where your intuitive factor is used (or should be).
You can use it to pick up other people’s vibrations. When you consciously
become aware of vibrations, you call them feelings. When you feel bad, you
can change your feelings by thinking good thoughts. When you pick up a bad
feeling from another person ... you know they must be thinking disturbing
thoughts. You must not let their negative vibrations affect your way of thinking.
Your thoughts are vibrations that you send off into the universe. When you
concentrate, the vibrations are stronger. Your thoughts are cosmic waves of
energy that penetrate all time and space (vibrations). Thought is the most potent
vibration and remember that you can think ... that makes you a very special
creation (God’s greatest masterpiece.) You should always be delighted with
yourself. (All creation begins in thought.) Your thought controls the vibration
your physical body is in. Dis-ease is a body that is not at ease.

Your conscious awareness of vibration is referred to as “feeling” ... therefore,
when you say, “I feel bad,” or “I feel great,” you are declaring that you are
in either a negative or a positive vibration.
Mind is movement. The law of vibration decrees that everything moves,
nothing rests.

The brain is the instrument you use to move your entire being into a different
vibration. The brain is your vibratory switching station.
Your brain will not think, but you think with your brain. Your brain is
something you have to use to improve your life.

When you say you “think” or you say you are “thinking something,” what
you are really doing is choosing to activate certain brain cells. They, in
turn, affect your central nervous system and you move into whatever vibration
those particular cells govern.

Brain cells are where you store mental pictures or images. If the cells you
activate have sad or negative images, you will move into a negative vibration
and feel bad. If they have happy images, you will move into a positive
vibration and feel good. Choose happy pictures and you must feel good.
Vibration is everything.

The sound of God evolves through the Law of Vibration.
Ignore logic and follow that “gut feeling.” God is speaking to you.

The Law of Relativity

In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative. All laws are related
to each other and correspond with each other. The laws of the little are the laws
of the great. There is no big nor small, fast nor slow, except by comparison.
Every law that is a law must be relative to all other laws. In other words, they
must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding
of this law will give one the means of solving many of the secrets of Nature that
seem paradoxical. The much discussed fourth dimension is nothing more nor less
than the dimension of vibration. Again, all rates of vibration are either high or
low, only by comparison with those above or below them.

Whenever this law is properly used, you win. Let's remember that everyone
does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every
person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient
at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look
good. You are using the law against yourself. Begin using this law to heighten
your self esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light
of truth!

When you relate “B” to “A”, “B” looks big. However, when you relate “B”
to “C”, “B” looks small. The obvious truth is that “B” is neither big nor small,
“B” just “IS.” We make “B” what it is by virtue of how we work with this law.
Everything in life just “IS”. We make it what it is. Make a habit of using this
law to your benefit.

The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender manifests in ALL things as masculine and feminine. It
is this law that governs what we know as creation. The word creation is often
erroneously used, for, in reality, nothing is ever created. All new things merely
result from the changing of something that was, into something else that now is.
The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. It also manifests in
the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Without the dual principle of male and
female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, perpetuation of
motion, nor a regeneration. This Law is the one which finally closes the cycle
and completes the circle of the Seven Subsidiary Laws under the One Great

This is, in truth, the Creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in
nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
This law also decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation
or incubation period before they manifest. In other words, when you choose a
goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse
before that image manifests in physical results.


The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell,
taste, or touch, together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in
various levels of vibration. The universe as a whole, and in its parts, has its
existence in an ocean of motion. Motion is the only thing that is constant.
Change is energy’s only attribute; and because of it, comes all that is apparent to
our material senses. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation.
It is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.


Thoughts build ideas---> Ideas stir emotions

Emotions are expressed with and through the body. The body is
moved into action which produces the results.

"A" Actions-----> Physical Results



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An exert from Mr. Proctors essay "Responsibility"

By Bob Proctor

Dr. Rollo May, a distinguished psychiatrist, once wrote, “The opposite of courage in our
society is not cowardice, it is conformity.” It requires great courage to take responsibility
for your life. It’s so much easier to blame someone else or something outside of you.
George Bernard Shaw said, “People are always blaming their circumstances for what
they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the
people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them,
they make them.” I believe Shaw was right. In my opinion, those who win big in life
take responsibility and create their own destiny.

Earlier on it was suggested that responsibility brings with it a certain amount of freedom.
For some, these last few paragraphs may be life-altering. And, with the proper
understanding, I guarantee it has the power to free you of unnecessary mental weight that
you may have been carrying around with you all of your life. The concept to which I’m
referring has been misunderstood by so many and has probably single-handedly ruined
more lives than one can possibly imagine. Ignorance of this principle will most certainly
cause a person to experience the destructive emotions of anger, guilt and resentment.


Here it is: there is a vast difference between being responsible “for” and being
responsible “to.” It seems so simple, but I don’t want you to let its apparent simplicity
fool you. I’m going to repeat it again. There is a big difference between being
responsible “for” and being responsible “to.”

It’s not uncommon to hear parents blame themselves and assume responsibility for
something that has happened to their child, and that child might be 40 years old! “If only
we ...” Or, “I should have …” Far too often we inappropriately assume responsibility for
something, when in fact our real duty to the person may have ended 20 years ago.
Unfortunately for most, they carry that baggage around with them for life, never realizing
they have a choice.

The correct interpretation of this is: you are responsible FOR your feelings and your
results - not another person's. You may be responsible TO another person for one thing
or another, but not FOR another person. The exception, of course, is when you choose to
take on the responsibility of raising children until they reach the age of maturity. In that
case, you are both responsible TO and FOR them, until such time as they become
responsible for themselves.

At times, it might even be appealing to contemplate having another person take on our
responsibilities for us. We could even trick ourselves into believing that by doing this,
we would be more free to play, have fun and do the things we wanted. Without serious
thought, it might never enter our mind that exactly the opposite would happen. When
you permit others to take on your responsibilities, you become dependent on them. They
become the giver and you become the receiver. Your well-being is dependent upon their
generosity. Hopefully, at some point, it will become very clear that this kind of
behaviour only leads to a life of lack, limitation, resentment and confusion on the parts of
both the giver and the receiver.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Unemployable?? Detox Your Mind

reflection Pictures, Images and Photos

The MOST important thing you can ever do in your internet marketing career is change your thinking! It’s the mindset ALONE that separates the ‘pros’ from the ‘joe-schmoes’.

Turn off the TV, the radio, the newspapers, and magazines. Replenish your fluids to detox your body with eight 8 ounce glasses of H2O a day, exercise and tune into 30 Day Mental Cleanse with Micheal Dlouhy and a host of top empowered, influential network marketing professionals for 30 days to detox your mind.

This is the first step, and most vital, for your spiritual,personal and professional growth.

Trying to run a successful campaign without the right mindset is like trying to build a house without blueprints.

Even if you had the best tools in the universe, if you don’t have the right blueprint.. How useful are they to you? If you think, act, and do as successful people do, you WILL get the same results.