“I like to compare the 5 pillars to baking an apple pie, because it’s a good word picture most
people can understand. If you’re like most people you’ve either baked an apple pie or seen
someone bake one or at least enjoyed eating one before. So to bake an apple pie you need a pie
plate, a pie crust, some apples, of course, some sugar and spices to make it taste good, and butter
or lard so it won’t burn or stick in the oven. Right? You say, “yep”. And what happens when
you are missing any one of these ingredients? You say something along the lines of, “it won’t
turn out right”. And then you say, well a 5 pillars company works the same way, if you are
missing any one of the 5 pillars, then you won’t be able to enjoy the success you deserve.”
Click Here To ACCESS the "Success In 10 Steps" Free e-book
Read my earlier posts to hear more details about the 5 Pillars and Success In 10 Steps.
To your success!
Mary Miller

Mary is so correct here! This is the best way to describe the 5 pillars needed for a company. You deserve success for all the hard work you put into your business, unfortunately so many don't get that success because they are not working with a 5 pillar company. Mary can help you find that company, work with her and she will help you find your success.
Awesome video and post Mary!
5 Pillars.....sounds so easy to say but for some people difficult to understand. Most people get it....if your company is not a 5 Pillar company run....run....run!!! The importance of the 5 pillars can never be over exaggerated because it is what it is and it is what a company has to HAVE for you to succeed in Network Marketing. Learn the 5 pillars and compare your company with it and if it is not a 5 pillar company get out!!! Some people say but a 4 pillar sounds good.....well does apple pie taste good without the apples?????
This was a great post!!
Yours for success and freedom
Marinda van der Brugghen
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