What does it mean to have a purpose?
A purpose is a contractual agreement of the Spirit of every human to create fulfillment in life. You agree to this soul contract in order to serve three entities: Others; Self and it's higher potential; the Creator of All.
A purposeful life gets its energy from knowing that everyone has a purpose to begin with, even if many do not yet consciously know what their purpose is. Although your purpose already exists, to consciously know what it is may require a process of discovery.
Purpose is often mistaken with reaching a goal, such as success of an occupational nature. Some people may feel that they are leading a purposeful life if they are on track for success in their career, enterprise, occupations, etc. However, this is only a superficial understanding of purpose. Occupational success can be a spin-off of a purpose inspired life. But it is somethng smaller than the true meaning of purpose. Purpose is the umbrealla; a successful occupation is one of the many things sheltered underneath that umbrella. Its vital to grasp this difference before we go forward.
What, then, is true purpose?
True purpose is to discover and resolve any blocks within yourself, so that no matter what your eventual success is , it will be richly meaningful. It is more than a goal to make it big, or even to save the world.
True purpose requires recognizing, confronting, and releasing anything blocking the path toward your higher potential -- even if you find it painful to face. For this practical reason, you must make and uphold a commitment to create fulfillment in your own life. As you resolve the inner blocks you find - as you face, accept, and then conquer whatever you find painful within yourself - you can then inspire and assist others in fulfilling their purpose. In doing so, you also fulfill a vital part of your own purpose.
It is of the highest importance to realize here that whatever is painful to accept about oneself -- if not consciously addressed -- will eventually be projected onto others. Such projection creates storms of misunderstanding, drowning out the possibility of real contact and deep communication.
The surest way to positively inspire yourself - and therefore to inspire others - is to stop repressing, hiding, or blocking anything that impedes the pathway toward your own highest potential.
In doing so, you will also serve the Creator of all. To accept yourself is to trust in the power within you, the absolute good that is your birthright, and therefore to trust in the infinite power beyond yourself. It is the recognition of the Grace within.
~Ellie Drake Author~Easier Done Than Said
Great job, and insight to human nature, and to what we must do to find our true purpose in life.
God bless,your friend 4 life,
Tony Disernia
Albany, Oregon
Great post I real enjoy your writing. Your experience reach deep inside. Thank you
Bernard Tritz
What a great post i am having trouble finding my true purpose now i know why!I have to face deal and conquer what is painful inside me. Thank You
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