Monday, December 15, 2008

Color Your Way To Success!


This is so easy that my ten year old son has learned how to do it!

Coloring to success has been around for many centuries, but has been known by other names. What it is is knowing the four different personality types that make up peoples personalities.

You may have heard them described as Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy and Choleric.

We use the terms Yellow, Blue, Green and Red. Much easier to remember.

We have all four of these traits present in our personalities, but one usually dominates, and knowing what that is is a key factor for your success in talking and connecting with your prospects.

There is a quick and easy way to discern which personality you are talking with right away upon initial contact. You can ask yourself these questions: was my prospect open? or was he/she self contained? was my prospect indirect or direct?

Today I want to go over the Blue Personality. Open and Direct; that is how you can quickly tell if you have a 'blue'.

A blues motto is FUN, FUN, FUN!

So what would you want to talk about with a blue?

The great free vacations your company sends you on. The sports car give-away for top producer. The great people you work with.

Blues can be found in occupations like sales, entertainment, and public speaking.

Their dress is stylish, flamboyant, and colorful.

Their strengths are: creative, high energy, enthusiastic, promoter, convincing.

Their weaknesses are: poor follow-up, unorganized, exaggerates, poor saver, talks too much.

Key words to use when talking with the blues are: Fun and Exciting.

Blues dislike: Not having fun, facts and figures, being alone, not having fun!

Monday, December 8, 2008

What Is A Mentor And Why Do You Need One??

The roots of the practice are lost in antiquity. The word itself was inspired by the character of Mentor in Homer's Odyssey. Though the actual Mentor in the story is a somewhat ineffective old man, the goddess Athena takes on his appearance in order to guide young Telemachus in his time of difficulty.


In Greek mythology, Mentor (Greek: Μέντωρ / Méntōr)[1] was the son of Alcumus and, in his old age, a friend of Odysseus. When Odysseus left for the Trojan War he placed Mentor in charge of his son, Telemachus, and of his palace. When Athena visited Telemachus she took the disguise of Mentor to hide herself from the suitors of Telemachus' mother Penelope.[2] As Mentor, the goddess encourages Telemachus to stand up against the suitors and to go abroad in order to learn out about his father.

Today mentors provide their expertise to less experienced individuals in order to help them advance their careers, enhance their education, and build their networks. Many of the world's most successful people have benefited from having a mentor including:

Business people - Freddie Laker mentored Richard Branson

Politicians - Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great

Directors - Martin Scorsese mentored Oliver Stone at the New York University

Actors - Mel Gibson mentored Heath Ledger

Music - Johann Christian Bach mentored Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Athletes - Eddy Merckx (five-time Tour de France winner) mentored Lance Armstrong
(seven-time Tour de France winner).

Movies - Obi-wan Kenobi mentored Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke Skywalker

Movies - Mr. Miyagi mentored the Karate Kid (Danny LaRusso)

A Mentor in business will take an up-and-coming and groom him/her to be a leader. A
(protégé) is paired with a senior level leader (or leaders) for a series of career-
coaching interactions. A mentor is like a sounding board, they can give advice but the protégé is free to pick and choose what they do. The context does not have specific performance objectives.

Why Mentoring For Free??

Mentors have leadership experience and proven success records in Network Marketing and in life.

They demonstrate willingness to guide you to your own success with no agenda.

Mentoring For Free Logo/Small Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Power Of One

one person at a time Pictures, Images and Photos

Here is one other really great benefit of being in a 5 Pillar company: You can use The Power Of One to create a 5-figure income within a year.

What is The Power Of One??

Glad you asked!

The power of one is making the commitment to share your product or business with at least one other person a day. That would be 30 people a month.

We are not perfect, we miss some days, so even if you shared with 20 people a month, this will still work for you.

The goal is to add one person a month to your business.

My mentor is able to do this while working full-time and caring for her mother. I am able to this as a relatively new person who is still learning as I go.

OK, so you have your first person month one. Month two, you add another person, and your month one person you taught how to also add one person. So now you have 4 people by month two. Not huge, but it is a start.

Month three you add one person, your month one and month two people add one person and so do their people... you now have 8 people in your business.

You can now see how this is growing exponentially month after month.

By 12 months you will have grown your business to 1024 people, twelve of which you yourself have found and mentored.

In a 5 Pillar company, that will equal $29,257.14 a month. Not bad considering the work is easy and fun to do.

Now, you say you missed a month to sponsor someone. That's ok, because the next month you may realistically sponsor 2 or 3 people.

You can cut the formula to The Power of 1/2 and still be making 5 figures by the end of the year!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Inspiration For You To Get Started


What does it mean to have a purpose?

A purpose is a contractual agreement of the Spirit of every human to create fulfillment in life. You agree to this soul contract in order to serve three entities: Others; Self and it's higher potential; the Creator of All.

A purposeful life gets its energy from knowing that everyone has a purpose to begin with, even if many do not yet consciously know what their purpose is. Although your purpose already exists, to consciously know what it is may require a process of discovery.

Purpose is often mistaken with reaching a goal, such as success of an occupational nature. Some people may feel that they are leading a purposeful life if they are on track for success in their career, enterprise, occupations, etc. However, this is only a superficial understanding of purpose. Occupational success can be a spin-off of a purpose inspired life. But it is somethng smaller than the true meaning of purpose. Purpose is the umbrealla; a successful occupation is one of the many things sheltered underneath that umbrella. Its vital to grasp this difference before we go forward.

What, then, is true purpose?

True purpose is to discover and resolve any blocks within yourself, so that no matter what your eventual success is , it will be richly meaningful. It is more than a goal to make it big, or even to save the world.

True purpose requires recognizing, confronting, and releasing anything blocking the path toward your higher potential -- even if you find it painful to face. For this practical reason, you must make and uphold a commitment to create fulfillment in your own life. As you resolve the inner blocks you find - as you face, accept, and then conquer whatever you find painful within yourself - you can then inspire and assist others in fulfilling their purpose. In doing so, you also fulfill a vital part of your own purpose.

It is of the highest importance to realize here that whatever is painful to accept about oneself -- if not consciously addressed -- will eventually be projected onto others. Such projection creates storms of misunderstanding, drowning out the possibility of real contact and deep communication.

The surest way to positively inspire yourself - and therefore to inspire others - is to stop repressing, hiding, or blocking anything that impedes the pathway toward your own highest potential.

In doing so, you will also serve the Creator of all. To accept yourself is to trust in the power within you, the absolute good that is your birthright, and therefore to trust in the infinite power beyond yourself. It is the recognition of the Grace within.

~Ellie Drake Author~Easier Done Than Said

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The 5 Pillars Are Like Making An Apple Pie

Here is a great word picture I like to use to describe a 5 pillars company:

“I like to compare the 5 pillars to baking an apple pie, because it’s a good word picture most

people can understand. If you’re like most people you’ve either baked an apple pie or seen

someone bake one or at least enjoyed eating one before. So to bake an apple pie you need a pie

plate, a pie crust, some apples, of course, some sugar and spices to make it taste good, and butter

or lard so it won’t burn or stick in the oven. Right? You say, “yep”. And what happens when

you are missing any one of these ingredients? You say something along the lines of, “it won’t

turn out right”. And then you say, well a 5 pillars company works the same way, if you are

missing any one of the 5 pillars, then you won’t be able to enjoy the success you deserve.”

Click Here To ACCESS the "Success In 10 Steps" Free e-book

Read my earlier posts to hear more details about the 5 Pillars and Success In 10 Steps.

To your success!

Mary Miller

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Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 5


Does your mentor have a system that will work for you?

The team you join must have a system in place that will work for everyone who uses it. (Must be easily duplicateable!)

There must be complete resources available; books, videos and audios explaining the system.

The system should be designed to Teach The System!

Remember, you want to build your business, Not baby-sit it.

You must take full responsibility for learning the Skill Set. Your mentor can't do that for you.

An 'open' system will allow you to go upline for clarification and advice.

If you don't see the system working for you right away, don't try to reinvent the wheel.

As in everything we do in life there is a learning curve. Plug in and be patient.

Personal development should have a big emphasis in the system. This is a relationship business, the more you know about

yourself, the better you'll relate to your clients and customers.

Click Here To ACCESS Mentoring For Free

To your success!

Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 4

Does the compensation plan pay part-time people?

95% of networkers are part-time people.

Make sure that people can make a decent income working a few hours per week.

Beware of companies that advertise how many millionaires they have created.

Make sure it's not at the expense of those "at the bottom". Everyone should be able to benefit.

Take the Comp Plan Test - Ask yourself this question:

"How many people do I need on my Team to earn a recurring income check of $500 per month?"

• There are companies out there that require as many as 500 and as few as 20.

• It's not unusual to see well-established companies that require 150 to 350 people and
they are still able attract new distributors - Amazing! They must be sold on the product!

• If your upline won't or can't answer this basic question, You should Run.

If you are making only 5% to 8% commissions on product, You are being extremely underpaid.

If a company stresses "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!", You should "Run, Run, Run!"

The purpose of any business is moving product from the company to the end-consumer.

The majority of your commissions MUST come from product sales; otherwise, it is a SCAM.

And if you work a plan that Does Not pay on product volume, somewhere in the process You will lose money!

More important: You will lose Credibility Too!

Click Here For "Success In 10 Steps" Free e-book to learn more about the 5 Pillars.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 3

wd-40 Pictures, Images and Photos

The third Pillar to look for in a company is the product. All MLM companies have a good product,

or else they wouldn't be in business. But there are others available that are just as good!

The product should be competitively priced.

If the product has both Retail and Wholesale price, STAY AWAY! Most people will only join your team to get the wholesale price discount. They won't build the business!

Here are some BIG RED FLAGS:

If the product would not sell without the business opportunity attached to it, it is


If you can't pay with a credit card, and MUST pay buy cash or money order, it is ILLEGAL!

If the distributors collect the money while the company stays at arms length, it is


If you MUST have a Retail Merchant account the company is SCAMMING YOU!

When you begin to justify your product to someone, you become a salesperson.

A word of CAUTION: Network Marking is a RELATIONSHIP business, not a SALES business.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 2

RECORDS RULE! Pictures, Images and Photos

Has the company passed the "early failure" Time Line?? Are the companies products Products timed with the beginning of a massive trend in consumer demand??

Beware of "ground floor opportunities" and start-up companies. There should be no rush to get in on the "ground floor".

Ninety-nine percent of companies don't last two years. If a company is good today, it will be great tomorrow.

MOST people don't make money in the first two years while the company is dealing with start-up issues. And note I said MOST people, not the Heavy Hitters.

Profit comes after two years, join then.

Avoid the companies that have gone on beyond their "momentum phase" and have become household names. The realistic potential for big growth is gone.

DO NOT join a company with a product that has no profit margin! ie: a Long Distance Service or a Vinyl Record Company.

Think like a boomer, (there is two groups of these now) what are they looking for... NOW??

Click here to access your copy of the 5 Pillars of Success CD.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 1


The first Pillar is Company Management with Experience and Integrity.

Get to know WHO they are, and WHAT their backgrounds are:

Search Google for the owners of the company.

Do the owners have Integrity?

Add the word ’Scam’ to your search.

Do the owners have a Corporate background or an in-the-field Network Marketing background?

Read your "Policies & Procedures" and "Terms & Conditions"; both are part of your Legal Contract.

Look for the word "Ongoing".

Look for policies that strike you as "Unreasonable".
Like "Termination, with or without cause".

Ask yourself "Does this contract protect me or the company?"

"Is it clear which way it leans?"

Does the company charge you for training or a company web site?

Does the company charge you for each paycheck they send you?

These are the people who will be signing your checks. You are depending on these people to lead the company that will help you "Own Your Life". You are depending on them to have a solid business that you can build to pay your childrens’ children.

Are they dependable??


The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you are being hidden in "Legalese"!

If it’s a "Cash Only" business...It’s a Scam!

If you can buy a position at the top...It’s a Scam!

If you are offered a "Special Deal"...the playing field isn’t level for all.

If the products are sold on eBay at a greatly reduced price...Buy there instead. If a company is publicly traded, Financial Decisions Will be made in Favor of the Stockholders at the Expense of the Distributors.

You want to protect yourself and the business you are building. You are putting a lot of yourself into your business. Get the facts. If you need a lawyer to read the company Policies, it’s probably not the company for you.

For more of the 5 Pillars, sign up to follow my blog: right there in the upper right-hand corner of my blog.

Or you can get your own copy of the CD... click on the link below:

5 Pillars of Success

Thursday, October 9, 2008

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished! Part 2


Another exert from Micheal Dlouhy's ebook:

People ask me:

° "Your e-book is great! Why on earth do you give it away for free??"

°"Your telephone training is great! Why is it free??"

°"Your 'Colors" CD is great! Why is it so cheap??"

°"Why do you help me for free when I'm not in your company??"
.... and a dozen other variations.

In the early 1990's, I joined over 100 MLM opportunities. I tracked, I cataloged,

analyzed and evaluated EVERYTHING they did: products, compensation plans,

marketing, distributor support, profitability, etc.

The Ugly Results

I'm a fun-loving, easy-going guy. But my teeth clenched and my fingers curled into

fists of rage. I was stunned by how many companies and "Heavy Hitters" make HUGE

profits NOT on product sales, but instead by selling a ton of worthless marketing

materials to the distributors who traust and believe in them!

I get mad just thinking about it. This is why you find widespread cynicism &

skepticism amongst network marketers.

I can't blame them.

But you should hear the calls I get from people trying to figure out how I'm going

to bamboozle them.

First, they figure I'm trying to steal their people.

Fact is, they don't HAVE any people. None who trust them, anyway. Many up-lines'

idea of support is to tell you the lies we'll cover in Chapter 1.

TRUE support is to take you by the hand and lead you through every step of this

business, so you can actually experience it in real time and get good at it. THAT is

what we do on our phone calls...No company is ever mentioned on those calls. No

product is mentioned. No one is ever recruited.

Some people figure our calls must be rigged so anybody who calls gets billed on

their phone bill!

Listen. Our MLM business brings good income, thank you. Our tools & phone calls

support our people. And they work their butts off. And Linda & I love them and

appreciate them.

We owe everything to this business. It tortures me to hear people denigrate network

marketing because of the greed of some companies and their "Super Star Reps."

I don't do ANYTHING in life that isn't fun. Whatever I do, I do it because I love it.

So I do what I can to balance the scales. I choose to support with every fiber of my

body ANYONE who invests their hopes & dreams & life into this industry. It

makes my day to help keep their spark alive.

I will train anyone for free. No strings. I am not threatened by anyone or any

company in this industry.

But I do understand that they are threatened by me. Most STILL don't take the time

and make the commitment to train their own people.

A word for the "Still Skeptical:" I get the skepticism. Really. But enough is

enough. Get over it. If you wnat to live your life distrusting everybody, then your

life is pretty much over, anyway. Goodbye, good luck. Don't let the door hit you in

the butt on the way out.

For everyone else: Let's get started!

Click Here To Get Started!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Part 1

cruises Pictures, Images and Photos

An exert from Michael Dlouhy's Success In Ten Steps:

Listen carefully,

I'm well aware yor intentions were gallant: to provide for your family all the things YOU never had, to spend more quality time with them, to help others like yourself grow and prosper.

And remember what happened next??

You were lied to. You were "leveraged". The Heavy Hitters used you for batting practice. You got thrown in the muck, untrained, unprepared. Your checking account was drained. Your credit cards were maxed out. Friends and relatives screened your phone calls.

Then you looked in the mirror and called yourself, "Loser!"

I know, I know.

It started because you want the same things I wanted.

You want to be your own boss, answer to no one... and earn a good living doing it. You want to go where you want, when you want. You want to spend $200 on dinner without batting an eye.

You want precious time NOW with those you love. You want the money & freedom to take a day off-or 2 weeks off-and maybe fly away to some far away island on whim.

You want to work and socialize with people you like and admire, who share your outlook on life and your goals. You want the self-satisfaction of achieving your goals, and the self-fulfillment of helping others reach theirs. You want financial independence.

You DON'T want more rejection.
You DON'T want to have to sell anything to anyone.
And you sure DON'T want another MLM.

Good stuff. Holy mackerel, sounds just like ME!

So here I am. I have no choice but to write this book. Truly, no control. You'll read why in Chapter 2.

But here's what I do control: This book is free. No company is mentioned or promoted. No opportunity is mentioned or promoted.

You'll find 20 tons of e-books all over the internet, full of affiliate links. Trust them at your own peril, because they profit on every recommendation they make.

My purpose is to share what I've learned in nearly 30 years in network marketing, and present a 10-step success plan you can use with ANY network marketing opportunity.

The plan is NOT easy.

But it's simple.

It's NOT "I'll do all the work FOR you."

It only works if YOU do.

It's NOT "get-rich-quick."

But you can create a lifetime residual income.

What's in it for me, you ask? That question is answered in Chapters 2 & 5. Don't worry. Helping you helps me. It's part of my giving back to this great industry.

I wish you the absolute best, and I hope you use this information. It could change your life.

Are you game? Then read on!

To download the full version of my good friend and mentor, Michael Dlouhy's book, click on the link below:

Success In Ten Steps