Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Inspiration For You To Get Started


What does it mean to have a purpose?

A purpose is a contractual agreement of the Spirit of every human to create fulfillment in life. You agree to this soul contract in order to serve three entities: Others; Self and it's higher potential; the Creator of All.

A purposeful life gets its energy from knowing that everyone has a purpose to begin with, even if many do not yet consciously know what their purpose is. Although your purpose already exists, to consciously know what it is may require a process of discovery.

Purpose is often mistaken with reaching a goal, such as success of an occupational nature. Some people may feel that they are leading a purposeful life if they are on track for success in their career, enterprise, occupations, etc. However, this is only a superficial understanding of purpose. Occupational success can be a spin-off of a purpose inspired life. But it is somethng smaller than the true meaning of purpose. Purpose is the umbrealla; a successful occupation is one of the many things sheltered underneath that umbrella. Its vital to grasp this difference before we go forward.

What, then, is true purpose?

True purpose is to discover and resolve any blocks within yourself, so that no matter what your eventual success is , it will be richly meaningful. It is more than a goal to make it big, or even to save the world.

True purpose requires recognizing, confronting, and releasing anything blocking the path toward your higher potential -- even if you find it painful to face. For this practical reason, you must make and uphold a commitment to create fulfillment in your own life. As you resolve the inner blocks you find - as you face, accept, and then conquer whatever you find painful within yourself - you can then inspire and assist others in fulfilling their purpose. In doing so, you also fulfill a vital part of your own purpose.

It is of the highest importance to realize here that whatever is painful to accept about oneself -- if not consciously addressed -- will eventually be projected onto others. Such projection creates storms of misunderstanding, drowning out the possibility of real contact and deep communication.

The surest way to positively inspire yourself - and therefore to inspire others - is to stop repressing, hiding, or blocking anything that impedes the pathway toward your own highest potential.

In doing so, you will also serve the Creator of all. To accept yourself is to trust in the power within you, the absolute good that is your birthright, and therefore to trust in the infinite power beyond yourself. It is the recognition of the Grace within.

~Ellie Drake Author~Easier Done Than Said

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The 5 Pillars Are Like Making An Apple Pie

Here is a great word picture I like to use to describe a 5 pillars company:

“I like to compare the 5 pillars to baking an apple pie, because it’s a good word picture most

people can understand. If you’re like most people you’ve either baked an apple pie or seen

someone bake one or at least enjoyed eating one before. So to bake an apple pie you need a pie

plate, a pie crust, some apples, of course, some sugar and spices to make it taste good, and butter

or lard so it won’t burn or stick in the oven. Right? You say, “yep”. And what happens when

you are missing any one of these ingredients? You say something along the lines of, “it won’t

turn out right”. And then you say, well a 5 pillars company works the same way, if you are

missing any one of the 5 pillars, then you won’t be able to enjoy the success you deserve.”

Click Here To ACCESS the "Success In 10 Steps" Free e-book

Read my earlier posts to hear more details about the 5 Pillars and Success In 10 Steps.

To your success!

Mary Miller

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Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 5


Does your mentor have a system that will work for you?

The team you join must have a system in place that will work for everyone who uses it. (Must be easily duplicateable!)

There must be complete resources available; books, videos and audios explaining the system.

The system should be designed to Teach The System!

Remember, you want to build your business, Not baby-sit it.

You must take full responsibility for learning the Skill Set. Your mentor can't do that for you.

An 'open' system will allow you to go upline for clarification and advice.

If you don't see the system working for you right away, don't try to reinvent the wheel.

As in everything we do in life there is a learning curve. Plug in and be patient.

Personal development should have a big emphasis in the system. This is a relationship business, the more you know about

yourself, the better you'll relate to your clients and customers.

Click Here To ACCESS Mentoring For Free

To your success!

Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 4

Does the compensation plan pay part-time people?

95% of networkers are part-time people.

Make sure that people can make a decent income working a few hours per week.

Beware of companies that advertise how many millionaires they have created.

Make sure it's not at the expense of those "at the bottom". Everyone should be able to benefit.

Take the Comp Plan Test - Ask yourself this question:

"How many people do I need on my Team to earn a recurring income check of $500 per month?"

• There are companies out there that require as many as 500 and as few as 20.

• It's not unusual to see well-established companies that require 150 to 350 people and
they are still able attract new distributors - Amazing! They must be sold on the product!

• If your upline won't or can't answer this basic question, You should Run.

If you are making only 5% to 8% commissions on product, You are being extremely underpaid.

If a company stresses "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!", You should "Run, Run, Run!"

The purpose of any business is moving product from the company to the end-consumer.

The majority of your commissions MUST come from product sales; otherwise, it is a SCAM.

And if you work a plan that Does Not pay on product volume, somewhere in the process You will lose money!

More important: You will lose Credibility Too!

Click Here For "Success In 10 Steps" Free e-book to learn more about the 5 Pillars.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Your Company A 5 Pillar Company? Part 3

wd-40 Pictures, Images and Photos

The third Pillar to look for in a company is the product. All MLM companies have a good product,

or else they wouldn't be in business. But there are others available that are just as good!

The product should be competitively priced.

If the product has both Retail and Wholesale price, STAY AWAY! Most people will only join your team to get the wholesale price discount. They won't build the business!

Here are some BIG RED FLAGS:

If the product would not sell without the business opportunity attached to it, it is


If you can't pay with a credit card, and MUST pay buy cash or money order, it is ILLEGAL!

If the distributors collect the money while the company stays at arms length, it is


If you MUST have a Retail Merchant account the company is SCAMMING YOU!

When you begin to justify your product to someone, you become a salesperson.

A word of CAUTION: Network Marking is a RELATIONSHIP business, not a SALES business.